An innovative approach to wellbeing
As part of the core psych-educational component of the Banyan House program, we deliver a modified for residential treatment version of the Matrix program. The Matrix program has been developing and improving in the USA since the 1980’s as an evidenced-based outpatients program and is now being adapted to suit many residential treatment services.
The Matrix program empowers participants to explore underpinning drivers of their substance use, devise a management plan in order to prevent relapse and create a strong supportive network.
Sessions include:
- Identifying Internal and External Triggers
- Guilt and Shame
- Thinking, Feeling and Doing
- Sex and Recovery
- Avoiding Relapse Drift
- Trust
- Defining Spirituality
- Taking Care of Yourself
- Managing Anger
- Recognising Stress/Reducing Stress
- Acceptance
- Coping with Feelings and Depression
- Repairing Relationships
- Managing Life/Managing Money
- Motivation for Recovery
- Be Smart, Not Strong
In addition to the educational units- encouragement in self-help group participation, regular urine screening, and a client- centered approach meld well with our traditional Therapeutic Community program. The program is supplemented by Banyan House developed educational resources, work program, case management and group therapy.
“The therapist is not an expert agent of change; that is, a therapist does not change another person. Rather, the therapist’s expertise is in creating a space and facilitating a process for dialogical conversations and collaborative relationships. When involved in this kind of process, both client and therapist are shaped and reshaped-transformed-as they work together.”